What Is Mudtown?

What is Mudtown?
Naming a restaurant is no easy task. When trying to come up with a name for our new restaurant we came up with a list of 200+ names, and every one of them stunk. So, we began to look locally for inspiration. As it turns out, the early 1800’s found the Creek Indians inhabiting the Cahaba River banks immediately east of the restaurant’s location. The Native Americans nicknamed the area “mudtown” due to the swampy, muddy conditions as a result of heavy rains. We felt the name held marketable potential, and the moniker certainly honored the Cahaba Heights’ neighborhood rich in local history.
Speaking of that, we’re LOCAL! If you’re looking for a local eating establishment to support, we’re it. Our latest advertising campaign claims an amazing menu. We think it is. More importantly, the guests who dine with us for lunch and dinner seven days a week tell us so. We’re proud and grateful of the praise. Judging by the response to a new menu rollout in early June, we continue to be on the right track of making people and their tastebuds happy.
Even though we named a restaurant after dirt, the food is fantastic, fresh and fun. The beverages are cold and unique. The atmosphere is inviting and comforting. As you walk in to mudtown, you will feel the prevailing friendly spirit, smell the enticing aromas from the kitchen and anticipate a quality dining experience served by people who genuinely appreciate you stopping by.
Mudtown Lifestyle
Mudtown is part of the neighborhood fabric. The community – both residential and commercial – has taken us in with open arms and has made it clear that they want us to make it. Our neighbors are a fantastic bunch of people, and we are infinitely grateful to them. Because the way we treat people, our guest base has extended well outside the neighborhood and into the surrounding communities. Now all we need is you. We look forward to welcoming you to the neighborhood!
As for the food, our menu offerings are designed to put you in charge of what goes in your body. We know you are the most important ingredient in our equation for success, so you will get exactly what you want at mudtown. We kick it off for you by serving all salad dressings on the side. You will see that our menu makes much use of fresh fruit. And our cooking oil is virtually TFA (transfatty acid) free, an important factor in promoting a health heart according the the American Heart Association. We buy local whenever possible. Given our choice, we’d rather support a local farmer or vendor any day.